With Rolls & No Luck
A D&D podcast featuring random people doing random things. Follow the cast and their characters across timelines and campaigns as they wander through the world on ridiculous adventures.
With Rolls & No Luck
The Book, The Key, The Beyond Episode 18: Bartography
With Rolls, No Luck
Season 2
Episode 18
In this episode, the group learns a bit more about Wayne, why they were chosen by the Marquis, and about the four missions they're directed to consider before setting their eyes back on their nemesis.
Follow us on Twitter (@NoLuckPod) and/or email us at withrollsnoluck@gmail.com!
Logo by Mark Fionda Jr. (http://www.markfiondajr.com/)
"Second Attack At Level 5" composed/performed by Jackson Eppley (http://www.jacksoneppley.com/)