With Rolls & No Luck
A D&D podcast featuring random people doing random things. Follow the cast and their characters across timelines and campaigns as they wander through the world on ridiculous adventures.
With Rolls & No Luck
The Book, The Key, The Beyond Episode 24: John Wick in Animal House
With Rolls, No Luck
Season 2
Episode 24
In this episode, Chandler works security, Adro gets a new nickname, and Van explores contract law (sorta) and makes himself a new enemy.
Follow us on Twitter (@NoLuckPod) and/or email us at withrollsnoluck@gmail.com!
Logo by Mark Fionda Jr. (http://www.markfiondajr.com/)
"Second Attack At Level 5" composed/performed by Jackson Eppley (http://www.jacksoneppley.com/)